Secure and permitted access to a collection of media
eyebase utilizes a PIN (Personal Identification Number), which is a numerical code issued by eyebase, to provide secure and permitted access to a collection of media.
With eyebase you can organize your media data into a collection and then configure a collection PIN. The PIN will be communicated and used for logging in and accessing data by remote staff, freelancers, clients, partners, etc.
Using a collection PIN offers significant benefits:
- You can configure which of the files can be viewed and downloaded
- You define the quality of the data (original, web etc.) to be downloaded using the PIN
- A timeframe of availability for the PIN is assigned. Once it has expired, it is no longer possible to log in - unless the availability is extended
- The display view of the PIN collection is adjustable (e.g. preview, file list, slideshow)
- An entire collection of digital assets is downloadable as a ZIP file
- Selected metadata is included for publication in the collection